Brings you one new Hadith every day
January 4, 2025
30 Tracks
- World market (Imam Hadi AS) “The world is a market, [where] a community reaps benefit in it and there is another one which faces loss.” Imam al-Hadi (AS) describes the world as a marketplace. We know that in any business you must put in proper planning and preparation to be successful, and the same is[...]
- Reconciliation (The Prophet S) Reconciling people is among the great noble morals. The sharia urged it in more than one occasion as Allah the Almighty Says (what means): {So fear Allah and amend that which is between you and obey Allah and His Messenger, if you should be believers} [Quran 8: 1]
- Affection (Imam Javad AS) Imam Jawad’s (A.S.) seventeen years of Imamate coincided with the reigns of Ma’mun and Mu’tasim Abbasi, two of Abbasid Caliphs: 15 years in the reign of Ma’mun and two years in the reign of Mu’tasim. During this period the Imam experienced great hardship in preaching Shiism.
- Good treatment of one's family (The Prophet S) The Prophet's noble treatment of his family was a comprehensive display of good character. He showed kindness to the elderly and the young, serving himself and his household. He would mend his shoes and patch his garments, treating his wives in accordance with their wisdom and intellect.
- Fiqh in business (The Prophet S) Halal Rizq(sustenance) is very important & has an effect on all other Ibadaat & the general spiritual status. BEFORE doing Business the person is required to know the Islamic Laws applicable. This will enable him to earn Halal rizq for himself & his family. EVEN in Halal business there[...]
- Respecting the orphans (The Prophet S) The Prophet (PBUH) said, "He who provides for an orphan will be just next to me in Paradise like these two fingers," showing his forefinger and middle finger.” These words remind us that acts of mercy not only benefit the receiver but also bring the giver closer to the[...]
- Serving people (The Prophet S) The religion of Islam is the religion of benevolence to the people. Therefore the honorable Prophet (peace be upon him) was the best practical example for serving people and meeting their needs.
- Making others happy (The Prophet S) Making someone happy has a great blessing and it also allows you to grow your connection with them stronger and more fruitful. Islam is a religion that places a strong emphasis on interpersonal connections and urges followers to make other people happy with a small casual dose of “Happy[...]
- Justice in treating people (Imam Ali AS) Treat others as you want to be treated.
- Value of man (Imam Hossein AS) The real value of a person is in his knowledge (and the perfection of his attainments). His worth and position would be in accordance with the status of knowledge and attainments he holds. Eyes that are conscious of real values do not look at the face, features, tallness of[...]
- Wrath (Imam Ali AS) In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah says, (2:57) And spend of that with which We have provided you before death comes to one of you, and he says, 'My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous.'
- Mocking oneself (Imam Reza AS) Do not ridicule yourself Seven things without seven other things is a sort of mockery. 1. One who seeks forgiveness verbally, without repenting at heart has ridiculed himself. 2. One who implores God for His goodwill but does not strive for it, has ridiculed himself. 3. One who seeks resoluteness,[...]
- Love and hate for God (The Prophet S) we should know that if we cultivate the love of God, the Exalted, and His awliya' in this world and put on the collar of obedience to that Sacred Essence around our necks and receive the burnish of Divine light in our hearts, at the time of[...]
- Staring at Non-mahrams (Imam Ali AS) It is haraam for man to look at the body or hair of the Non-Mahram women, regardless of whether it is with the intention of pleasure or not, and whether there is a fear of falling into sinful act or not.
- Sins and regret (Imam Ali AS) On Judgement Day the greatest regret will be felt by man who earned wealth through sinful ways, although inherited by a person who spends it in obeying Allah, the Glorified, and will be awarded Paradise on that account while first one will go into Fire on account of it.[...]
- Programming time (Imam Kazem AS) If you start accepting too many tasks, that's a bad habit. You got to learn at some point that you have to prioritize, you have to delegate some tasks. Sometimes you cannot do everything on your own. And that sometimes they say, what makes a really good leader? A good[...]
- Children's rights (Imam Sajjad AS) Imam Sajjad, the fourth Imam, ('a) said: "The right of your child is that you know that he has emerged from you and in this world, his right and wrong are attributed to you. You are responsible of his fine teaching and training, guiding him to his Lord, Almighty and[...]
- Sustenance (Imam Ali AS) Imam Ali (AS) said, 'No one has the power to withhold or bestow sustenance except the All-Sustainer.'
- Enjoining the good (Imam Ali AS) Verily enjoining good and forbidding evil neither brings death near nor decreases sustenance, rather it multiplies reward and magnifies recompense; and a just word in the presence of an oppressive ruler is [even] better than this. — Imam Ali a.s.
- Ridicule (Imam Sadeq AS) Some people make fun of others, and humiliate them in the eyes of their fellow-beings. People who speak ill of others, are usually those whose education and upbringing have not been up to the mark, and who have not learnt proper social manners. They are not perhaps, aware that all human[...]
- Confronting the Devil (Imam Reza AS About Talhah and az-Zubayr Beware! Satan (1) has collected his group and assembled his horse-men and foot-soldiers. Surely, with me is my sagacity. I have neither deceived myself nor ever been deceived. By Allah I shall fill to the brim for them a cistern from which I alone would[...]
- Getting used to the good (Imam Ali AS) Failures are often the results of timidity and fears; disappointments are the results of bashfulness; hours of leisure pass away like summer-clouds, therefore, do not waste opportunity of doing good.
- Humility (Imam Ali AS) Humility is the fruit of knowledge. This enlightening Hadith emphasizes the importance of humility as a direct result of acquiring knowledge.
- Intellect (Imam Ali AS) The intellect is an inborn quality that increases through knowledge and experience. — Imam Ali a.s.
- Companion (Imam Sadiq AS) Know that Allah chose companions for His Prophet, honoured them with the noblest mark of honour and robed them in the robe of support, victory and the correct keeping of his company in desirable and undesirable situations. He made the tongue of His Prophet speak about their virtues, excellent qualities and[...]
- True Muslims (Imam Sadeq AS) How is it so, that they give you a hard time, when you're not truly a follower of ours? If you were truly a follower of ours, it would make sense, they give you a hard time, you are Ja'fari. But when you're not truly Ja'fari, why are they giving[...]
- Thaqalain (The Prophet S) I [Muhammad] left among you two treasures which, if you cling to them, you shall not be led into error after me. One of them is greater than the other: The book of God (Quran), which is a rope stretched from Heaven to Earth, and [the second one is] my progeny,[...]
- Temperament (Imam Ali AS) 'Ali (as), in spite of his exalted position, is all humility when he addresses his Lord.
- Conserving the environment (The Prophets) The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “There is none amongst the believers who plants a tree, or sows a seed, and then a bird, or a person, or an animal eats thereof, but it is regarded as having given a charitable gift [for which there is great recompense].”
- Greed (Imam Kazem AS) Beware lest bearers of greed should carry you and make you descend down to the springs of destruction. If you can manage that, there be no wealthy person between yourself and God, do so, because in any case you will find what is for you and get your share. A little[...]