January 11, 2025
551 Tracks
- "He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5). This is the verse that begins the Passion of the Christ (2004), which is the story that director, co-writer, and co-producer, Mel Gibson tells in this film. These are important questions in light of the film’s realism.[...]
- In the film, Pilate expresses the fear that Caiaphas will start a rebellion against Rome. Historically, this is highly unlikely. The priests were among the most politically conservative of all Jews, especially in their view of Rome. No rebellion against Rome ever started with priests, and there is no evidence that Caiaphas was threatening rebellion.[...]
- One scene, was dead wrong historically and theologically and reveals much of what is unsettling and controversial about this movie. After Jesus is beaten with rods, the captain calls a halt to the beating, apparently thinking that Jesus has been beaten enough. Jesus, however, struggles back to his feet, clearly defying his tormentors and virtually[...]
- There isn’t a single image of note in Atlas, and the film will never once overcome its “fake movie” allegations, with characters so thinly-developed and poorly acted you would think they signed up to do an elongated SNL parody, which would be the only way to describe the out-of-body experience you’ll have watching this.
- The movie is set in a near-ish future where humans coexist with their subservient robot companions. In this world, one AI named Harlan (Simu Liu) defies his programming, embarking on a quest for freedom. Harlan was the creation of a brilliant scientist who raised him as a sibling to her young daughter, Atlas. Naturally, Atlas[...]
- Fast-forward nearly 30 years, and a now-adult Atlas (Jennifer Lopez) is leading the hunt for Harlan. The world’s nations have banded together to fight back against the AI forces, forcing Harlan to flee the planet. In the opening scenes, Atlas interrogates an AI soldier, learns where Harlan has been hiding all this time, and joins[...]
- 'The First Omen' has a lot of cool imagery and circles a message we should all be on board with. However, it buckles under the weight of the films it references, including the original 'Omen'. When it does get out of its own way, it's a fine time. Content collapsed.
- That’s not to say that The First Omen isn’t a bad movie, on the contrary, if you are a fan of the 1976 movie it fits in nicely with the timeline of that movie, the story isn’t really that amazing but it works for what is needed to not only set up The Omen but[...]
- He who yields to the negative quality of arrogance thinks of himself as a person more important and higher than anybody else, and tries, in his speech, deeds and attitudes to degrade other people.
- Allah, the Wise, has said: “Then they found in it a wall which was on the point of falling, so he put it into a right state” (18:77). The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) said: “One who fulfills the desire of his brother Mu’min, would be as if he has[...]
- If man is greedy in acquiring things, he shall not possess the proximity of Allah, since he has abandoned the attribute of tawakkul (trust in Allah), is not content with what Allah has appointed for him and has adopted hastiness, which is an attribute of Satan.
- Ithar, or selflessness, is one of the noble qualities emphasized in Islam. One who is selfless places concern for others above concern for himself. The selfless person is generous with his time and freely lends aid and support to others.
- Saadi encouraged kindness and charity in ''Bustan'' book. He believes that just giving advice is not enough. He depicts the results of good and bad actions
- He began to meander through Syria, Anatolia, Iraq, Egypt. He continued his journey to Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and India. He also had a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina and visited Jerusalem. After thirty years of travelling, with the pack of various worthy experiences, he went back home.
- When love of Allah takes possession of the innermost being of Allah's bondsman, it empties him of every preoccupation except remembrance of Allah. The lover is the most inwardly sincere of all people for Allah. He is the most truthful in his words, the most faithful in his pledge, the most astute in his actions,[...]
- Among the qualities of the good believers is to emulate the noble character of Prophet Muhammad (S) whom the Almighty has described in His Book as follows: “And you verily are on a high level of noble character.” (Qur’an; 68: 4-6)
- The Messenger of Allah (S) said: “Nothing will be placed on the scale of the Day of Judgment better than good character.” Once the Prophet was asked, “Who is the best in faith among the believers?” He replied, “The best among them in character.”
- In Islam, hypocrisy (nifaq) is one of the most despised traits a person can possess. The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlight its dangers and consequences, urging Muslims to remain sincere in faith and actions. By understanding hypocrisy through the lens of Islamic teachings, we can cultivate sincerity and moral integrity.
- Islam takes a very holistic approach towards health, and it is believed that the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of an individual collectively, makes a healthy person. If any one of these three parts is unhealthy then the individual suffers.
- Ghibah or backbiting means speaking about a Muslim in his absence and saying things that he would not like to have spread around or mentioned. Buhtan or slander means saying things about a Muslim that are not true, or in other words telling lies about him.
- The Prophet said: “And no one humbles himself before Allah but Allah will raise him (in status).” This is understood in two ways: the first is that He will raise him (in status) in this world, and give him status in people's hearts because of his humility, and give him a high ...
- Parents are tasked with instilling Islamic values in their children, including teaching the principles of faith, practicing the five pillars of Islam, and shaping character based on the examples of Prophet Muhammad. They are the primary role models for their children in practicing faith.
- “People are of two groups. They are either your brothers in faith, or your equals in humanity.” These immortal words were expressed a millennium and four centuries ago to his governor of the then Christian-majority Egypt for full respect of human rights by the only person who ever established the administration of social justice in[...]
- Hadith of Imam Ali (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) teaches us that fear of Allah is sufficient as knowledge. It emphasizes the importance of cultivating a deep sense of reverence and humility towards our Creator, as it is through this fear that true knowledge is attained.
- I advise you to fear Allah, O my child, abide by His commands, fill your heart with remembrance of Him and cling to hope from Him. No connection is more reliable than the connection between you and Allah provided you take hold of it.
- Imam Ali (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) emphasizes the importance of remembering not only death itself but also what we will face after death. This includes the Day of Judgment, the accountability of our actions, and the eternal consequences of our deeds.
- Do not talk on anything you lack information about. This is because your statements might turn out to be false. In such cases you have both told a lie and misled people into ignorance, both of which are religiously forbidden. Such a case would lower one’s social position. Do not interfere in anything not related[...]
- Keep away from socializing with evil people for they are like fire - the one who comes in contact with it gets burnt. — Imam Ali a.s.
- Imam Ali (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) highlights that leniency is not only a virtue but also a key to attaining rightness or correctness in our actions and decisions.
- When the speech corresponds to the intention of the speaker, the listener accepts it but when it is against his intention, it does not take up a good position in his heart.
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "helping our fellow men"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "addressing Allah
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "keeping the secrets of others"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "how to supplicate"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "describing Allah"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "describing Allah"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "Allah healing the hearts"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "Supplicating to Allah"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "helping the people"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "helping the people"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "hypocrisy"
- A look at some of the greatest dialogues of Imam al-Askari with different people: Imam al-Askari's words about "the mercy of Allah"
- Detaching yourself? “Yes. Detaching myself. And this is important—not just for someone like me, who is dying, but for someone like you, who is perfectly healthy. Learn to detach.” He opened his eyes. He exhaled. “You know what the Buddhists say? Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent.” But wait, I said. Aren’t you[...]
- THE THIRSTY CROW One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water.For a long time, she could not find any. She felt very weak, almost giving up hope.Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could[...]
- THE THIRSTY CROW One hot day, a thirsty crow flew all over the fields looking for water.For a long time, she could not find any. She felt very weak, almost giving up hope.Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her. She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could[...]
- THE FARMER AND THE STORK Finding that cranes were destroying his newly sown corn, a farmer one evening set a net in his field to catch the destructive birds. When he went to examine the net next morning he found a number of crane sand also a stork.“Release me, I beseech you,” cried the stork,[...]
- THE FARMER AND THE STORK Finding that cranes were destroying his newly sown corn, a farmer one evening set a net in his field to catch the destructive birds. When he went to examine the net next morning he found a number of crane sand also a stork.“Release me, I beseech you,” cried the stork,[...]
- Story of a Rider and an Old Man Let me share with you a story about a rider and an old man I once read.It was a bitter, cold evening. The old man waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind.[...]
- Story of a Rider and an Old Man Let me share with you a story about a rider and an old man I once read.It was a bitter, cold evening. The old man waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind.[...]
- The Fox & the Stork The Fox one day thought of a plan to amuse himself at the expense of the Stork, at whose odd appearance he was always laughing. "You must come and dine with me today," he said to the Stork, smiling to himself at the trick he was going to play. The[...]
- The Fox & the Stork The Fox one day thought of a plan to amuse himself at the expense of the Stork, at whose odd appearance he was always laughing. "You must come and dine with me today," he said to the Stork, smiling to himself at the trick he was going to play. The[...]
- Social discrimination based on knowledge From the point of rights and law, social classes and individuals in Islam are equal like the teeth of a tomb. The social discrimination of the pre-Islamic age of ignorance (like racial discrimination) has been abolished. Social discrimination in Islam (i.e. privilege in nobility, and not in law) does exist,[...]
- Supporting the underprivileged Islam has supported the underprivileged and in many different ways emphatically recommended them to others. In addition to religiously prescribed instances such as obligatory alms, Islam has encouraged other ways of aiding the poor, and the Muslim leaders themselves have been pioneers in this regard.
- Spending on the underprivileged Allah the Most High said: “It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteousness is this that one should believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the prophets, and give away wealth out of love for[...]
- The fear of poverty when spending in the way of Allah The Prophet (S) said, ‘Poverty is almost infidelity.’[al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 307, no. 4] The Prophet (S) said, ‘O Allah I seek refuge in You from infidelity and poverty.’ A person asked, ‘Are these two equivalent?’ He said, ‘Yes.’[Kanz al-’Ummal, no. 16687]
- Sustenance through spending in the way of Allah In Hadith al Qudsi, Allah (swt) says: “Oh! Son of Adam! If Almighty Allah has taken the responsibility of providing your sustenance then why are your efforts directed exclusively towards it? And if all fortunes and misfortunes are from Me, then why are you impatient. So, you[...]
- A portion reserved for the deserving Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 262 262. "Those who spend their property in the way of Allah, (and) thereafter, do not follow up what they have spent by reproach and with injury, for them shall be their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they[...]
- Honoring the orphans [2:220] On this world and the hereafter. And they ask you concerning the orphans Say: To set right for them (their affairs) is good, and if you become copartners with them, they are your brethren; and Allah knows the mischief-maker and the pacemaker, and if Allah had pleased, He would certainly have[...]
- Treating orphans properly {4:2} and give to the orphans their property, and do not substitute worthless (things) for (their) good (ones), and do not devour their property (as an addition) to your own property; this is surely a great crime.
- Solving the problem of housing of a Muslim Islamic housing is a mixture of the heavenly and terrestrial factors and elements. Both sides are extremely important, playing their respective roles. They finely complement and add to each other‟s strength and operation. Neglecting either of the two poles in Islamic housing inevitably leads to a serious[...]
- Use your wealth to your benefit The divine graces, virtues and transcendental states of the hereafter are all produce of our efforts and works which man has discharged in the world; therefore, the world has a lot of values. Taking this reality into consideration, the question is presented as to why so much reproach and[...]
- Observing family ties Islam in commanding doing good to others, especially emphasizes doing good to parents and relatives, and has recommended them before others. Acting against their wishes or not loving them is a grave (mortal) sin. A believer should never annoy or sever his relationship with his parents or other relatives. These actions cause[...]
- Parents and relatives The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) said: “Shun displeasing your parents so much that they disclaim you, because the perfume of paradise can be scented from the distance of 1000 years, but four types of people will not smell it: the first is the person disclaimed by his parents; the second is he[...]
- Family ties and its impact on life length Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked concerning: “And be careful of (your duty to) Allah by whom you demand one of another (your rights), and (to) the ties of relationship.”1 He said: “It means the family relationship. Surely Allah the Most High has ordered it to be[...]
- Relationship with Allah and family Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) the Commander of the Faithful said: “When people sever family ties, their wealth falls into the hands of the wicked.” He (a.s.) also said: “Surely one of the sins which hastens the coming of death is the severance of family ties.” Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) and Imam[...]
- Love of this world It must be noted that the heart, according to its nature and disposition, looks at what it loves and is inclined to that beloved to have it as its qiblah. If an affair distracted the heart from thinking of the beauty of its cherished beloved, no sooner the engagement slackens and[...]
- Love of this world when one's heart becomes mixed with the love of this world, with no objective or aim except building it up and developing it, this love will inevitably prevent the heart from being vacant and present in the presence of Allah. This deadly disease and ruinous corruption can be cured by useful[...]
- Knowledge is light, but in a black corrupt heart it spreads wide the skirts of darkness and blackness. A knowledge which would draw man closer to God, in a worldly soul brings him far distant from the place of the Almighty. Even the knowledge of divine unity (tawhid), if it is for anything other than[...]
- Ostentation Riya’ means to falsely make oneself appear to be virtuous, good natured or a true believer in God before the people for the sake of earning their respect and admiration, or with the purpose of gaining good reputation among them. The hypocrite feigns integrity, uprightness, virtue, honesty and piety without an authentic intention of[...]
- Ostentation Remember that hypocrisy in religious faith is the worst kind of hypocrisy; its retribution also is the severest and its bad effects are far greater and more dangerous than those of other forms of hypocrisy. One who is guilty of this sin, if he does not believe genuinely in those ideas which he pretends[...]
- Self-conceit In the opinion of the ulama (R)2’ujb is magnification of one’s virtues and good deeds, their overestimation, and satisfaction with them accompanied with a feeling of superiority on their account, while one exonerates and exculpates himself from all failings and faults. But to feel pleasure and delight on performing virtuous deeds accompanied with a[...]
- Self-conceit There is no doubt that when anyone performs good deeds, like fasting, night vigils, etc., he feels some kind of joy and pleasure within him. This pleasure and joy, if it is on account of the feeling that God Almighty has conferred on him favor and grace, which caused him to perform such acts[...]
- Pride The thirty-third greater sin is Pride; as mentioned in the tradition of Imam al-Ridha (‘a) narrated by Fazl ibn Shazan. Shaykh Ansari has also verified the authenticity of this tradition in Makasib. A similar tradition from Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (‘a) is quoted by Amash to have said, “Arrogance and tyranny is a greater sin.”
- Pride According to the Holy Qur’an, pride is a sin that will most certainly be severely punished. The Almighty Allah says in Surah az-Zumar: “Is there not in Hell an abode for the proud?” (Surah az-Zumar 39:60). He also says: “It shall be said: Enter the gates of hell to abide therein; so evil is[...]
- Envy Hasad or malicious envy is a psychological state in which a person wishes for the deprivation of a blessing, talent, or merit possessed by another person (the mahsud). Islamic ethical teachings shed light on the causes and motives of hasad and its harmful spiritual, moral and social effects, and offer practical solutions for combating[...]
- Love of the World What is essential here is to understand the meaning of ‘the disapproved world’ (i.e. ‘the world’ in the sense in which it is necessary for the person seeking the Hereafter to shun it) and the factors that assist man and guide him on the path of salvation. These we shall discuss,[...]
- Protecting our private parts And the right of your private part is that you should protect it from everything that is unlawful for you and help it by lowering your eyes - this is certainly the best way to help it. And you should also remember death often, and threaten yourself with God and try[...]
- Where does beauty lie? A person's physical appearance plays a big role in both individual and social situations. Regardless of a culture's fashionable apparel, particular types of grooming and dressing are universal and can have a drastic effect on a person's life, such as affecting our self- esteem and giving the people we meet a[...]
- Accepting our shortcomings We must accept the reality or truth, as it does not matter whether it is in our interest or against us. We must never imagine the reality to be always in our favor. Everyone should wear a spectacle, which can show him the facts honestly, and he too should view them honestly,[...]
- Ignorance is a lack of knowledge and information. The word "ignorant" is an adjective that describes a person in the state of being unaware, or even cognitive dissonance and other cognitive relation, and can describe individuals who are unaware of important information or facts. Ignorance can appear in three different types: factual ignorance (absence of[...]
- How to free ourselves from enslavement? The joy that comes with being free from attachment is a “felt” sense that cloaks all of who you are, inside and out. If you choose to look at yourself from the inside, you can gain perspective and agency over how you move through your life.
- Think before you speak. Before you say anything, take a moment to think about what you are about to say. Speak the truth in love. It is important to be honest, but it is also important to be kind.
- Generosity is such an important virtue in the religion of Islam that the holy Quran says with regard to it: “You will never attain piety until you spend out of what you hold dear, and whatever you may spend of anything, Allah indeed knows it” (3:92).
- Praying on time is one of the most important obligations of a Muslim. Prayer, or salah, is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours throughout the day and night. “Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times.”
- what is true is that there are many questions that are asked about Islam and Muslims. Sometimes we do not know the answer to questions. Sometimes we do know the answer but are unsure of how to word it. Sometimes we just plain give the wrong answer. Sometimes we might give the right answer but[...]
- Zakat (or Zakāh) is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat is the Arabic word for "Giving to Charity" or "Giving to the Needy". Zakat is a form of almsgiving, often collected by the Muslim Ummah. It is considered in Islam a religious obligation, and by Quranic ranking, is next after prayer (salat) in[...]
- Neighbors are held in very high regard in Islam and they have many rights over us that we are religiously obliged to fulfill. Islam is a comprehensive religion and has specifically defined that neighbors are those who live up to forty houses from us in all directions.
- Love seems a very hard word to define. A lot of people ask the question “what is love?” and many people have an answer related to emotion. According to psychology, however, thoughts precede our emotions. We feel things related to our thoughts. There may be an element of choice in love then, and it may[...]
- People sometimes say that love is comfort, understanding, gentleness, kindness, giving, and so forth. However, I would argue that these are things that come from love but do not define love itself. Love may lead us to these things, or to feel them. Some people say God is love. Yet He created Love and is[...]
- Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "A believer is always between two fears. One is the fear of his past sins, (so) he does not know as to how Allah would deal with him. Secondly he fears until the end of his life and does not know the sins that might be committed by him, causing[...]
- To stop sinning, you should: turn to Allah, strive to control yourself, reflect upon the stern warning against sinning, bear in mind that Allah is always watching you, and remember death and imagine if death were to come to you while you are sinning.
- Drinking alcohol is considered haram, or forbidden, in Islam. As proof of the prohibition, Islamic scholars and Muslim religious authorities typically point to a verse in the Quran, the Muslim holy book, that calls intoxicants “the work of Satan” and tells believers to avoid them.
- it is haraam for you to attend parties and other gatherings with them, if you are not able to change the evil action, because then you are helping them to commit sin, or at least you are keeping quiet about it.
- The Qur'an explicitly forbids drinking and a reliable hadith forbids even indirect association with alcohol; working from these principles, muftis have no choice but to tell some questioners that they must quit their jobs although they do not have to divorce their spouses or shun family members who drink.
- Our relationship with Allah is characterised primarily by three emotions: fear, love and hope. Fear (khawf) is an integral part of īmān. Allah says, “…So do not fear them, but fear Me if you are (true) believers” (3:175). Allah (subḥānahū wa taʿālā) praises the Prophets: “…They used to race towards the good deeds and invoke[...]
- Knowing that the mercy of Allah will prevail over His anger is reason never to lose hope. When we are overcome, we should remember that all is never lost.
- A believer lives in a state of anxiety and optimism, (as prescribed by the traditions) He is fearful of Divine punishment and yet hopeful of Divine Mercy. The Holy Quran says: "It is only the Shaitan that causes you to fear from his friends, but do not fear them, and fear Me if you are[...]
- The command of trust is worded in such a way that trust is identified as the critical essence of every matter, and individuals are obliged and expected to act honestly in their life. This deep-seated principle of honesty means no activity or aspect of life can escape its reach.
- The first step to asking for forgiveness is knowing what to repent from. Scholars differ over what exactly constitutes a major or a minor sin. It is generally accepted that sins that Allah has designated a specific punishment for are considered major sins. Some examples of major sins include associating partners with Allah (shirk), murder,[...]
- “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold and erase from him ten bad deeds, and will raise him ten degrees in status.”.
- Allah (S.W.T) is giving His word that, He will hear you! is it not enough to believe that, He is always listening to us despite our shortcomings?. We should all pour out our hearts solely to Him, and ask for His help anytime, anywhere, without doubting for a second of being unheard.
- Allah commands us to respect and love our parents by respecting them, honoring their opinions, and dealing them with love and gentleness. "Worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and do good to parents," Allah Almighty declares in the Noble Quran [Quran, 4:36].
- So, Light essentially is from Allah and He bestows it upon those who actively and practically seek it of Him, not those who are passive, heedless, negligent or occupied and absorbed in the material world. Accordingly, we need to be where Allah wants us to be in order to gain His Light.
- “The word dunya encompasses many things but generally means the temporal, earthly world in contrast to the eternal spiritual realm of the hereafter. Literally, the word dunya means ‘closer,’ or ‘lower.’” More colloquially speaking, the dunya is any earthly concern or possession. We human beings admittedly love the dunya.
- And there is no problem in loving the dunya. It is after all the means to sustain our lives and continue our worship. It is after all a blessing for us and a means for us to be thankful to our Creator. The problem comes in when we make the dunya become the goal and[...]
- “When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down.” “Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so, when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution.”
- If you see a mixed-race or mixed-culture couple, do you feel discomfort, look down on them, or feel anger? “Whoever possesses in his heart ‘Asabiyyah (prejudice in any of its forms such as tribalism, racism, or nationalism) even to the extent of a mustard seed, God will raise him on the Day of Resurrection with[...]
- Hypocrisy is referred to as a disease of the heart. And many people in our society do not even realize that they display the signs of a hypocrite through their actions. This disease of the soul spreads aggressively if a person does not acknowledge it and seek its cure. Hypocrisy not only results in dire[...]
- Muhammad ibn Ya’qub (al-Kulayni) (R) reports from al-Husayn ibn Muhammad, he from Mu’alla ibn Muhammad, from al-Washsha’, from ‘Asim ibn Humayd, he from Abu Hamzah, who narrates on the authority of Yahya ibn ‘Aqil that the latter reported that Amir al-Mu’minin ‘Ali (A) said, “I am apprehensive for you on account of two things: submission[...]
- *Why do we think about God and study ways of knowing the Creator of the universe? Love of awareness and becoming familiar with our world is within all of us.
- Contemplation (اَلتَّفَكُّر) means to derive a lesson from any given thing or experience and focus on it, so as to gain a depth of understanding. Deliberation (اَلتَّأَمُّل) means to stop and think and to further the investigation by virtue of persisting in contemplation.
- Introducing the book Unsung melodies The book offers an inspiring account of Iran’s recent history from 1978 to 2007, focusing on the remarkable resilience and survival of Mahmoud Aminipour amidst incredibly challenging circumstances. Through his captivating storytelling, Aminipour reveals how divine intervention protected him, allowing him to share his firsthand experiences of the 1978 demonstrations,[...]
- In the book Edoardo: A Passenger from Rome, readers are introduced to the life of Edoardo Agnelli and the pivotal decisions that shaped his journey. The following passage delves into one of the challenges he faced: His father aspired for him to become as successful and wealthy as himself, hoping Edoardo would carry on his[...]
- The ethical thought and method of Imam Khomeini (s) possessing worthwhile features of other methods themselves incorporate prominent and unique points because at the first step, the element of ethics in Imam Khomeini’s teachings derive the essence of their message from the sacred Divine religion and are intensely influenced by Qur'anic concepts so that all[...]
- "Unwithering Flames" is a thought-provoking and emotionally engaging six-book series chronicling contemporary martyrs of Islam from the intimate perspective of their devoted wives. In the first of the series, "Shaheed Mustafa Chamran," readers will be moved by the story of a man who left a promising career in science in the USA to fight for[...]
- The Hadith are believed to be the words of the Prophet, memorised by his followers and written down in the first or second centuries AH. This is a clear introduction to the arguments surrounding both the Hadith and the documents themselves. Comparing the views put forward in the Hadith with those of the Qur'an, it[...]
- People of the Book, or Ahl al-Kitāb (Arabic: أهل الكتاب), is a classification in Islam for the adherents of those religions that are regarded by Muslims as having received a divine revelation from Allah, generally in the form of a holy scripture.
- On the eve of the 40th day of the martyrdom of the martyred president Ayatollah Raisi and his delegation, the book "Servant of the Nation" was published in Nairobi Kenya in order to introduce the achievements of the martyred president during the era Sincere service to Islamic Iran and the world was published in Kenya.
- This comprehensive book offers new scholarly perspectives on the life and legacy of Sayyidah Fāṭimah al-Zahrāʾ (as), shedding light on her profound contributions to Islamic history.
- The importance of teenage hood The teenage years are a time when teens form their own identity and develop independence. Teens may start to spend more time with their friends and less time with their families. They may also begin to earn their own money and make decisions. This is an important time for teens[...]
- How infallibles advised their sons When reflecting on the hadiths of the Ahlul Bayt, we realize the wisdom they have left behind for all people. In his advice to his son, Imam al-Sajjad emphasises on specific etiquette, good conduct, and various acts of worship. Examples of such conduct include the proper etiquette during birth, prayer[...]
- How to convey cultural things to offspring 1. Teach the language. Teaching children to be bilingual or multilingual has many advantages. ... 2. Celebrate holidays and traditions. ... 3. Mix it up in the kitchen. ... 4. Share stories of family history. ... 5. Explore new cultures.
- The importance of role model It's important to have a role model because they can provide motivation, inspiration, and support. When choosing a role model, it's important to pick someone who aligns with your values and beliefs. This way, you can be sure that you're looking up to someone who has the same principles as[...]
- The relationship between religion and culture in upbringing Religion does impact society and culture in many ways, but it is not simply the faithful of the religious institutions. It is also the religious institutions that influence. As they try to guide lifestyle, family unity, education, media and entertainment, politics, and governing policies. Religion impacts all[...]
- Lessons from prophet's households for teens Imam Sajjad’s advice to his son: Refrain from upsetting people and respond to their needs flowingly. Help your tongue in being silent, for there are states in which the tongue can be damaging. Refrain from socializing with the unintelligent, even if it is a friend, similar to how you[...]
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens Shahid meaning martyr has two meanings in the Islamic culture. In its specific concept, Shahid is someone who is killed on the battlefield for the cause of God. In its broader concept, anyone who is killed while fulfilling his duty on the path of the truth is considered a[...]
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens The Holy Qur’an says in Verse 100 of Surah an-Nisa: “One who abandons his home for the cause of God will find many places of refuge in the vast land and one who dies, after having abandoned his home to get near to God and His Messenger, will receive[...]
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens In the Islamic culture, the word Shahid has two meanings: General and specific. In the specific term, Shahid is someone who is killed on the path of God. In general terms, Shahid is someone who is killed while fulfilling a duty. Those who believe in the truth and tread[...]
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens The Holy Qur’an, in Surah an-Nisa, introduces those who follow God and His messenger as companions of prophets, martyrs and pious: “Whosoever obeys Allah, and the Messenger, they are with those whom Allah has favored, the Prophets, the sincere, the martyrs and the righteous, and these are the best[...]
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens In Verse 19 of Surah al-Hadid, God equates the true believers with the sincere and martyrs: “Those who believe in God and His Messenger are the truthful ones and are witness (to the deeds of others) before their Lord. They will have their reward and their light.”
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens In Islam, the concept of martyrdom (shahada in Arabic) refers to the act of sacrificing one’s life to testify and bear witness to one’s faith and a noble cause. On a deeper spiritual level, it represents the ultimate demonstration of one’s commitment and devotion to God and religious principles.
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens The Arabic word shahada literally means “to visibly witness” or “to testify.” In the context of martyrdom, it refers to visibly and outwardly witnessing and testifying to one’s steadfast faith in God through the action of sacrificing one’s life for a noble cause or ethical purpose.
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens The concept of martyrdom holds deep theological and spiritual significance in Islam, referring to the willing sacrifice of one’s life to testify and defend the Muslim faith against adversity. In its exalted status, martyrdom represents the ultimate form of devotion, conviction, and selflessness in upholding righteousness.
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens Martyrdom in Islam is not limited to those who die in battle. It includes those who lose life prematurely by natural causes, accidents, or illnesses, and even mothers who lose their lives while giving birth. Others may speak unwelcome truths and endure imprisonment or death at the hands of[...]
- Teaching teens how to control their carnal desires Everywhere we look, whatever we hear, and whatever we read contain instances of lust. Breaking free from lust is one of the most difficult things to do in this day and age. The solution to this is deepening our connection with Allah.
- Lessons from martyrs' lives for teens Martyrdom has great heavenly rewards promised to those who sacrifice themselves for righteousness. According to multiple verses in the Quran and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, martyrs occupy the highest ranks of paradise and remain eternally blessed by their devotion.
- Why are We indifferent towards each other Life can be so overwhelming at times. A new job, a shift in friendships, depression that feels out of nowhere, or sickness that is completely unexpected… any one of these can create big feelings in us that are hard to sort though, or even painful to acknowledge. Sometimes[...]
- The Power of the Words Like waving a magic wand, words have the power to shape our reality. They can inspire, motivate, comfort, and heal. They can build connections and relationships as well as destroy them. Of course, actions speak louder than words, and supporting our words with congruent actions is important. That being said,[...]
- Envy; who hasn’t that envy is one of the most pervasive problems in today’s world, especially as social media normalizes the successes of others, making you feel like you’re “underperforming” the average when in reality you’re being shown a highlight reel of outliers. You’re always comparing yourself to someone ahead of you, and the goalpost[...]
- Ambition; is there a boarder line for that There’s an age-old struggle between two forces in people’s mind that stops many from achieving their full potential. This is the supposed contradiction between being ambitious vs being content. Both qualities are well respected and even encouraged, but when they are brought together in one’s mind or[...]
- Habits and Addictions Habits are what make us or break us. It is essential that we have control over them. When we overload our brains with pleasure by doing seemingly harmless things, like watching a movie, eating something sugary or scrolling through social media, we subconsciously tell our brains that this is the standard of[...]
- A Representor of Your Religion slam and the followers of Islam, Muslims, are very prominent in the media nowadays. Around the world debates rage about various Islamic topics or topics that invariably involve Muslims. Almost continuous media exposure means that there is hardly a person left in the world that has not read or seen[...]
- My Identity In this ever evolving globalized world, the word identity has taken on a whole new meaning In the pre-modern world, often a person belonged to very concrete social strata be it religious, economic, tribal, or political. This structure is changing with the globalization of the world. More and more people are grappling with[...]
- Islamic Centers and Their Role in Identity here is no doubt that religious institutions have played a crucial role throughout Islamic history in preserving the civilizational and cultural identity and uniqueness of the Islamic Umma across different societies over the centuries, as well as in the diaspora. Religious institutions have been able to fulfill this[...]
- The Concept of Time After Marriage A common problem many of us face after marriage is time management. All of a sudden, that time which used to be in our control, has somewhat been taken from us. We now have another person to give time to. This is not the problem, though. But the problem[...]
- Cameras and Surveillance In many countries camera surveillance has become commonplace, and ordinary citizens and consumers are increasingly aware that they are under surveillance in everyday life. Camera surveillance is typically perceived as the archetype of contemporary surveillance technologies and processes. While there is sometimes fierce debate about their introduction, many others take the cameras[...]
- Which one is Happier People in Past or Now One of the main reasons why some believe that people were happier in previous generations is the rise of technology. In today's digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information and connected to the world 24/7. Social media, smartphones, and the internet have all changed the[...]
- Maturity in Behavior Maturity is how someone responds to a situation in an age-appropriate manner. Biological, mental, and emotional elements all integrate to achieve this response. Being mature means that you can properly manage your behavior and respond to adverse situations acceptably or properly.
- Real Meaning of Life Beside Difficulties Life is a never-ending stream of problems that must be confronted, surmounted, or solved ... Problems are what keep us occupied and give our lives meaning.
- Being Calm and Quiet Today’s plugged-in, chatty world seems built to make us uncomfortable with silence. The pressures of our always-on culture make me feel like I should be forever filling downtime with conversation, music, or a podcast or lecture. Relishing silence for long periods of time feels lazy and time-wasting. But really, nothing could[...]
- Isn’t He Sufficient As humble servants, we turn to Allah, we ask for his approval and seek his help and guidance. “If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely.” (3:160) Understand,[...]
- Clear Soul and Character of Us In the Islam religion, improving on one’s character has always been kept on priority. According to the words of Prophet, “Nothing is heavier on the believer’s scale on the Day of Judgement than good character”. As per the saying, we can conclude that on the judgment day a person’s[...]
- Illuminations in the words of Ayatullah Fateminiya Every month has its own illuminations and every day has its illuminations too. It is upon us to capture these illuminatus lights. These illuminations knock on our door and seek us out, free of charge. The Shias of Imam Ali the commander of the faithfuls are dear to[...]
- The blessings in the words of Ayatullah Fateminiya Why do we waste the blessings that come to us from Almighty Allah? For example, consider a person who wakes up in the middle of the night to do Salat Al-Layl. He turns his head to the heavens and says: "O' Allah! Forgive me" Very well, it's[...]
- Hereafter in the words of Ayatullah Fateminiya Well, there are some believers who wake up in the middle of the night to pray but when the morning comes they do backbiting behind others. Therefore, the illumination that was gained because of their last night prayer is gone. There is a hadith in the book Uddatul[...]
- Hope from other than Allah in the words of Ayatullah Agha Mojtaba Tehrani Allah shows His mercy and elegance to all of his servants even those servants who recognize the presence of Him in their lives but have shortcomings in their Duas and their manner of connection with Allah. Listen to my words carefully. Allah[...]
- Attaining godliness in the words of Ayatullah Agha Mojtaba Tehrani If a person recites a Dua for his believing brother when not present, "there will be a call from divine realm of Allah" not by an angel but by Allah himself who is the creator of the angels. In that call from the divine realm[...]
- Once a wise man was asked: What is Dunya (mundane world)? He answered: "It is either a dream or an illusion or a myth". He was again asked: What is life? He answered: it is either a flash or a candle or a butterfly. He was asked: so why the people will fall in love[...]
- It is stated in the books and narrations that sometimes this Dunya is good and sometimes bad. But for whom this Dunya is bad? For the person who loves Dunya for the sake of Dunya. And for whom this Dunya is good? For the person who wants this Dunya for his hereafter; to study, to[...]
- If someone came to you and asked for your forgiveness because of a bad action like backbiting, accept his request and forgive him. Whenever you want to recite a Dua and ask Allah for something first say: "O' Allah I forgive all the people who did bad things to me, so please you forgive me[...]
- Once one of the hooligans of Tehran was passing by Jom'e mosque. He stopped for a while and heard the voice of the late Agha Shaykh Wahhab Khorasani who was reciting Kumayl Dua and inviting the audience to do repentance and go towards Allah. Now Agha Shaykh Wahhab Khorasani was one of the outstanding Shia[...]
- Once one of the hooligans of Tehran was passing by Jom'e mosque. He stopped for a while and heard the voice of the late Agha Shaykh Wahhab Khorasani who was reciting Kumayl Dua and inviting the audience to do repentance and go towards Allah. Now Agha Shaykh Wahhab Khorasani was one of the outstanding Shia[...]
- All of our deeds have an intermediate form. It means that they have a form beyond what we see with our eyes. These forms are shown to us on the Day of Judgment. The material form of our deeds is changed in to a force, then that force is transformed into energy and then it[...]
- There are many stories narrated by the scholars of ethics regarding the negative effects of some behaviors like backbiting. In one such stories we read that one day during the month of Ramadan people used to go the holy prophet and ask for his permission to break their fast. Now there was an old man[...]
- When someone backbites another person he is harming another believer and most importantly himself. So one might disgrace a believer through backbiting and in fact assassinates him. Now there are two types of assassinations. One type is the assassination in which a person is killed and Allah will chastise he person for such an unjust[...]
- There is a narration by the prophet of Islam in which he says: "The house in which the holy Quran is recited will be filled with divine blessings and is safe from afflictions. So the more the holy Quran is recited in a house, the more your house will be filled with divine light of[...]
- There is a narration by the prophet of Islam in which he emphasizes on reciting the holy Quran. The holy prophet says that even if someone can't read the Quran he or she must sit by a reciter of the Quran and listens carefully to his recitation. Now for every verse that the illiterate person[...]
- There are some people who can't recite the Quran correctly. Such people must not avoid reciting the Quran because there are some divine angels of Allah who correct your recitation and then send it to Allah. In such situations the reward of correct recitation of the Quran will be given to you. In another story[...]
- Some people might say I can't recite the Quran and I don’t like to listen to someone else reciting it. For such people it is recommended to have Quran in their houses. The mere presence of the Quran in someone's house might keep the devils away from you. So the mere presence of the Quran[...]
- If you are with the Quran then there will be no fear in your life. It is explicitly mentioned in the Quran that the holy Quran is a like healing and remedy to the ailments and diseases. Everyone who practices according to the Quran then he or she will not be defeated by the enemy.[...]
- When a mother is pregnant with let's say a seven or eight month old baby, that baby in the womb is alive and has ears and eyes; however, the baby can't see the outside world or hear what exactly happens out of the body of the mother but why? because the baby is surrounded by[...]
- One of the main features of humans is making comparison. This is because we are social beings. Humans are not like animals that do not have the comparing power. For animals, same food in the same place does not differ. Humans are different since they consider lower or upper level for themselves. They are also[...]
- Making comparison can cause both calmness and anxiety for a person in life. Of course, comparing oneself with others is inevitable I life; however, we must take care not to harm our feelings through unfruitful comparisons. The comparison could be between two friends, colleagues, brothers, families, etc. and on different levels. Dear brothers and sisters,[...]
- Dear brothers and sisters, we have three types of comparison. They are called Ascending, descending and parallel. Now, ascending comparison in financial matters might cause anxiety and unrest for a person whereas in descending comparison can cause internal peace for someone. As it is related by Salman Al-Farsi who narrated from prophet Muhammad stating: "O[...]
- We must read the holy Quran with contemplation. In Surah Qasas Ayah 79 we read: "So he emerged before his people in his finery. Those who desired the life of the world said, "We wish we had like what Korah has been given! Indeed he is greatly fortunate". This Ayah is about the people who[...]