Statements of the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatullah Khamenei
Cultural, political, social, Islamic
October 30, 2024
39 Tracks
- The first sermon In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds; and may peace and greetings be upon our Master and our Prophet, Abul-Qasim al-Mustafa Muhammad; and upon his untainted, pure, chosen Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth. O God, verily I[...]
- In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Dear Muslim Nations! Dear courageous youth of the region! The heroic mujahid, Commander Yahya al-Sinwar, has joined his martyred comrades. He was a shining image of Resistance and struggle. He stood with unwavering determination against the cruel, transgressive enemy, striking them with his acumen and courage.[...]
- All the blessings, favors, and everything that takes place in life is a manifestation of God’s mercy. But in this noble verse, this mercy is in accordance with His "might" and "wisdom." Divine might means the Lord's power prevails over all of existence. Divine wisdom refers to the consistency and stability of all the laws[...]
- If a nation wants to avoid a crippling siege by the enemy, it must open its eyes from the very outset and be vigilant. When it sees the enemy going toward another nation, it should consider itself to be an ally of that innocent nation that is being oppressed. It should help them and cooperate[...]
- The Palestinian nation has this right [to defend itself]. This is a strong logic that international laws affirm today too. Who does Palestine belong to? Who are the Palestinian people? Where did these occupiers come from?! The Palestinian nation has the right to stand against them. No court, no institution, and no international organization has[...]
- The audience I'm addressing in this Friday Prayer sermon is the entire Islamic world, in particular the dear nations of Lebanon and Palestine. We are all grieving and mourning the martyrdom of our dear Sayyid. This is a significant loss and it has truly caused us to mourn. Of course, our mourning does not mean[...]
- Since the evil, abject enemy is unable to inflict serious harm on the solid Hezbollah organization, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other organizations that fight on the path of God, it considers terrorism, destruction, bombardment, the killing of civilians, and bringing grief to unarmed people to be a sign of its victory. What is the consequence[...]
- Hezbollah is truly a "Shajarah Tayyibah" [Blessed Tree]. Hezbollah and its heroic, martyred leader are the essence of Lebanon's historic virtues and identity. We Iranians have long been familiar with Lebanon and its merits. Figures such as al-Shahid Muhammad ibn Makki al-Amili, Ali ibn Abd al-Aali al-Karaki, al-Shahid Zayn al-Din al-Amili, Hussain ibn Abd al-Samad[...]
- It is our duty and the responsibility of all Muslims to repay our debt to the wounded, bloodied Lebanon. Hezbollah and the martyred Sayyid have taken steps in defense of Gaza and jihad for Al-Aqsa Mosque, delivering a blow to the usurping, cruel regime. They have provided a vital service to the entire region and[...]
- Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, led the Friday Prayer on Oct. 4, 2024, in the Imam Khomeini (ra) Musalla, following the martyrdom of the Mujahid on the path of God, Martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, and on the eve of the first anniversary of the epic Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The following is the[...]
- The following is the full text of Imam Khamenei’s message of condolence following the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar, chairman of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Dear Muslim Nations! Dear courageous youth of the region! The heroic mujahid, Commander Yahya al-Sinwar, has[...]
- All the blessings, favors, and everything that takes place in life is a manifestation of God’s mercy. But in this noble verse, this mercy is in accordance with His "might" and "wisdom." Divine might means the Lord's power prevails over all of existence. Divine wisdom refers to the consistency and stability of all the laws[...]
- If a nation wants to avoid a crippling siege by the enemy, it must open its eyes from the very outset and be vigilant. When it sees the enemy going toward another nation, it should consider itself to be an ally of that innocent nation that is being oppressed. It should help them and cooperate[...]
- The Palestinian nation has this right [to defend itself]. This is a strong logic that international laws affirm today too. Who does Palestine belong to? Who are the Palestinian people? Where did these occupiers come from?! The Palestinian nation has the right to stand against them. No court, no institution, and no international organization has[...]
- The Palestinian nation has this right [to defend itself]. This is a strong logic that international laws affirm today too. Who does Palestine belong to? Who are the Palestinian people? Where did these occupiers come from?! The Palestinian nation has the right to stand against them. No court, no institution, and no international organization has[...]
- The Palestinian nation has this right [to defend itself]. This is a strong logic that international laws affirm today too. Who does Palestine belong to? Who are the Palestinian people? Where did these occupiers come from?! The Palestinian nation has the right to stand against them. No court, no institution, and no international organization has[...]
- The Palestinian nation has this right [to defend itself]. This is a strong logic that international laws affirm today too. Who does Palestine belong to? Who are the Palestinian people? Where did these occupiers come from?! The Palestinian nation has the right to stand against them. No court, no institution, and no international organization has[...]
- It is our duty and the responsibility of all Muslims to repay our debt to the wounded, bloodied Lebanon. Hezbollah and the martyred Sayyid have taken steps in defense of Gaza and jihad for Al-Aqsa Mosque, delivering a blow to the usurping, cruel regime. They have provided a vital service to the entire region and[...]
- This malicious regime is rootless, fallacious, and unstable, and it has only managed to stand on its feet with difficulty with US support. And God willing, this too will not last for long. The clear reason for this statement is that for a year now, despite spending several billion dollars in Gaza and Lebanon, and[...]
- Today too, the Resistance in the region will not retreat as a result of these martyrdoms. The Resistance will be victorious. The Resistance in Gaza has captured the world's attention and brought honor to Islam. In Gaza, Islam has stood firm against all that is evil and foul. There is no noble human being who[...]
- In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may peace and greetings be upon our Master and our Prophet, Abul-Qasim al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his untainted, pure, chosen Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth. Welcome dear brothers and sisters. The topics[...]
- The second topic that must be brought to the attention of today's audience is a report-like account of the war, a report of the war. I will share a few words with you today about reporting as well. Of course, as we are speaking, you dear attendees who are present in this meeting along with[...]
- Back then, the world was one of domination. Of course, it still is today. But at that time, there was no voice, no outcry, no explicit stance taken against this unjust order that destroys virtues. The world order was one of domination. What does imperialism mean? It means the world is divided into two parts.[...]
- All of these countries — the US, the Soviet Union, the NATO countries that were America’s allies, and the Warsaw Pact countries that were allies of the Soviet Union — were waiting for an opportunity. Saddam provided them with that opportunity. He was a craving, power-hungry, greedy, arrogant, impudent, cruel, reckless person, who was sitting[...]
- there were years before the [formation of] the Islamic Republic, when the Non-Aligned Movement existed. We also joined that movement at the beginning of the Revolution, and it still exists to this day. However, many of the countries that were members of the Non-Aligned Movement — a hundred or so — had leaders who were[...]
- Its political appeal is due to it standing up firmly against the flawed global order. This has political appeal. Unlike the world powers and governments, people tend to lean toward this kind of political appeal. This understanding that there is a system in the world that opposes that unjust global order, which involves the aggression[...]
- Now let’s look at the second point, reporting on the events of the war. There are two kinds of reports that can be given about a war. One report, which I call a “descriptive report,” is a kind of report that describes the form of the war. How did the war start? Why did it[...]
- This part of the Persian Gulf was a route through which trucks and trailers carrying weapons, equipment, and supplies were constantly moving toward Iraq. One side was like this. The invader was in such a situation. I read in a report that the number of Saddam's fighter jets after the war was greater than the[...]
- The IRGC had not yet been properly organized. At the beginning of the war, the brigades of the IRGC weren’t properly organized. Battalions were formed with 200 or 300 men, and they had limited resources. Sometimes, they didn't even have individual weapons. We had seen cases where weapons weren’t enough for all to have one![...]
- The young people who went to the battlefield were transformed from ordinary people into God’s pious servants. Men who entered the battlefield with a simple, ordinary outlook toward religious matters emerged as divine, spiritual mystics. Our magnanimous Imam [Khomeini] was a great mystic and an outstanding individual. He once addressed many religious scholars as a[...]
- In the early days [of the war], we had just arrived in Ahvaz when an officer approached me. He was a lieutenant colonel or a major, I don't remember exactly. He said he had a request. At first, I thought he wanted to ask for a leave of absence due to some problem back in[...]
- Under enemy bombardment, a young man [who was later martyred] would write his final will in which he emphasized the importance of observing the Hijab. This shows the extent of their spirituality, religious commitment, and commitment to Islamic laws and faith. In my opinion, this account of the war and such a look at the[...]
- Today, a similar event is unfolding in Lebanon and Palestine. These events in Lebanon and Palestine are similar to our Imposed War and Sacred Defense. This too is jihad on the path of God. An Islamic country, Palestine, has been usurped by the most malicious unbelievers in the world. The definite religious ruling is that[...]
- Lady Fatima Zahra was an ocean of wisdom and piety: Ayatollah Khamenei • Mar 19, 2017 Fatima Zahra (as) is superior to all great and saintly women throughout history. What factors, forces and what kind of inner strength could make a person become such an ocean of wisdom, piety, sanctity and spiritual transcendence in such[...]
- If the malicious Zionist regime had been able to overcome the fighters, either in Gaza, or the West Bank, or in Lebanon, if it had been able to defeat the fighters, it wouldn’t have been forced to reveal its dark, hideous face to the world. It wouldn’t have needed to carry out these crimes against[...]
- Leader's Speech to Panegyrists on Fatima Zahra's (s.a.) Birthday; July 5, 2007. The glory of Fatima Zahra is incomprehensible No words can describe Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her). We can never speak enough about her virtues. Words cannot express how I truly feel about her. The dimensions of such a noble woman's existence,[...]
- In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may peace and greetings be upon our Master and our Prophet, Abul-Qasim al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his pure, immaculate Progeny, his chosen companions and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.[...]
- In order for an Islamic society for a tawhidi [monotheistic] society to be established, efforts are required and obstacles must be overcome. Obstacles invariably arise on the path leading to this objective and there are incentives for some to want to impede this movement. There are incentives. These incentives are motivated by a desire to[...]
- They are being told that they are following the same practices of those before them. Or in the noble verse in Surah Ibrahim it states, "Warn people of the day when the punishment will overtake them" (14:44). This is followed by, "While you dwelt in the dwellings of those who had wronged themselves [before], and[...]