Muslim women talk about their status in religion, family and society
December 21, 2024
8 Tracks
- The Standing of Women in Islam According to Islam, women and men alike possess the lofty status of humanity because they are both equally human. The Quran identifies humans as “viceroys of God” [khalifat ullah] and reveres them greatly: “And We have surely honored the children of Adam. We have presented them with transport on[...]
- The Standing of Women in Islam Therefore, according to Islam and the Quran, men and women are equally human, they are no different in worth, and they possess common responsibilities in managing the society The Holy Quran states: “O Humans! Surely, I have created you as males and females and have made you into [diverse][...]
- Muslim Lady and Knowing Eachother Before Marriage The notion that a man and a woman must ‘know’ each other before they decide to marry, so that they may then be able to live happily together is an illusion. Had there been any element of truth and validity in this, the divorce and separation rates in[...]
- Muslim Lady and Knowing Eachother Before Marriage The Shariah permits the intended spouses to see each other for the purpose of selection and also permits asking and giving opinions if asked (without it being considered as gheebat under certain conditions.) The school of Ahle-Bait (A.S.) has not left us to follow our whims and fancies.[...]
- Consumerism Consumerism is spreading like a plague in today’s culture. People are transformed into tireless shopping machines whose lifestyles are centered on malls, sales, and new offers. One of the underlying reasons behind this trend is the accumulation of items over time, turning our homes into storage spaces for things we may never actually use.
- Consumerism Our society has embraced consumerism, making it the pinnacle of our priorities, and this is evident in our world-leading levels of consumption. Alongside this, corporate greed prevails. We are incessantly bombarded with captivating visuals of products, enticing us with their vibrant colors, novel features, irresistible flavors, and more.
- If There Were No Men Before the "not-all-men" brigade intervenes with defensive advocacy, this isn't about the existence of men in the society. But the limitations that the system has imposed on women, in name of safety.
- Toxic Behaviour of the Couples I think I may be in a toxic relationship, or maybe I'm just being emotional. I'm not myself now, I'm what my spouse wants me to be... He wants me to be the best version of myself, but he is not the best version of himself. Is my marriage toxic?[...]